Rory Primrose

Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them yourself

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Neovolve.Toolkit 1.1 Released

Posted on October 18, 2011

It has taken a while, but I have been able to push out a new release of my Neovolve.Toolkit. The major focus of this release has been in the custom activity support for WF4. This version is now distributed via an MSI.

This release of the Neovolve.Toolkit package targets .Net 4 and contains support for WF4 as well as fixes to the existing code base. It supports the Client Profile version of the .Net 4 framework on many of the assemblies for a smaller footprint. The package now supports a VSIX package for Visual Studio integration of the toolbox for WF4 activities and the Add Reference dialog (see here for the details).
The following pages describe what each assembly in the package contains.

The package is available via Codeplex and the Visual Studio Gallery.