Rory Primrose

Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them yourself

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Ever heard of Script#?

Posted on August 3, 2006

I hadn’t heard of Script#, so when I saw it being referred to in one of Nikhil Kothari’s recent posts, I got a little curious.

The Script# compiler is a C# compiler that generates JavaScript as its output instead of IL. A key goal of the compiler to produce readable JavaScript (as if you had authored it by hand), and would be comfortable deploying into real apps. Hence the translation works from C# source directly into JavaScript without an intermediate IL layer. The compiler can also produce equivalent, but much more compact script for use in release mode deployment. The compiler does not introduce any additional levels of abstraction, thereby allowing you full control of what your application does. In essense the best of script with the best of C#!

How cool is that! Check out Nikhil’s Script# project page.